Hedychium coronarium – White Ginger Lily

Other notes

Note: This plant was previously reported as larval host of Jamides alecto – Metallic Cerulean from Japan and Taiwan (HOSTS, 2023). A female butterfly was recorded laying eggs on the flower heads of this plant by Kunal Chakraborty from Alipurdaur, West Bengal in Aug 2018, Manidip Mondal from Kodagu, Karnataka in Oct 2019, Dipthi R. from Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka in Oct 2020 and Shubhalakshmi S. from Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka in Jun 2021. All four life stages of the butterfly were observed on this plant by Nitin Kawthankar from Sindhudurg, Maharashtra in Sept 2022, confirming this plant as a larval host for the butterfly in India, too.



Nitin, R., V. C. Balakrishnan, P. V. Churi, S. Kalesh, S. Prakash, and K. Kunte. 2018. Larval host plants of the butterflies of the Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 10:11495–11550. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11609/jott.3104.10.4.11495-11550.

HOSTS (2023) - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Accessed on 16 Jan 2023. URL: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/our-science/data/hostplants/search/.

WFO (2023): World Flora Online. Accessed on 16 Jan 2023. URL: http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000435787.

Flowers of India (2023). Accessed on 16 Jan 2023. URL: http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Butterfly%20Ginger%20Lily.html.

Page citation

Kawthankar, N. and K. Kunte. 2024. Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig – White Ginger Lily. In Kunte, K., S. Sondhi, and P. Roy (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 4.12. Published by the Indian Foundation for Butterflies. URL: https://odonata.ncbs.res.in/hedychium-coronarium, accessed 2024/07/04.