Prinsepia utilis – Himalayan Cherry Prinsepia

Other notes

Notes: Reported larval host plant for Celastrina huegeli – Large Hedge Blue.
This plant has been recorded as a new larval host for Celastrina spp. – Hedge Blue spp. by Abhay Soman from Kullu, Himachal Pradesh in 2016.



Smetacek, P. & Smetacek, R. (2011). Additions to the known larval host plants of Indian Lepidoptera. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 3(12): 2272–2276. DOI:

WFO (2023): World Flora Online. Accessed on 25 Jan 2023. URL:

Flowers of India (2023). Accessed on 25 Jan 2023. URL:

Page citation

Soman, A. and N. Kawthankar. 2024. Prinsepia utilis Royle – Himalayan Cherry Prinsepia. In Kunte, K., S. Sondhi, and P. Roy (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 4.12. Published by the Indian Foundation for Butterflies. URL:, accessed 2024/07/04.