Pritchardia pacifica – Fiji Fan Palm

Other notes

Natural History: Introduced Palm Tree.
An attractive palm, found planted in urban gardens. It is native to Pacific Islands, but now widely grown as ornamental in the tropical region (Flowers of India, 2023).


Notes: This plant has been recorded as a new larval host plant for Suastus gremius – Oriental Palm Bob by Paresh Churi from Mumbai, Maharashtra in October 2015.


Flowers of India (2022): Fiji Fan Palm. Accessed on 27 Dec 2022. [URL]
Palmpedia (2022): Pritchardia pacifica. Accessed on 27 Dec 2022. [URL]
WFO (2022): Pritchardia pacifica Seem. & H.Wendl. Accessed on 27 Dec 2022. [URL]

Page citation

Churi, P. and Kawthankar, N. 2024. Pritchardia pacifica Seem. & H.Wendl. – Fiji Fan Palm. In Kunte, K., S. Sondhi, and P. Roy (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 4.12. Published by the Indian Foundation for Butterflies. URL:, accessed 2024/07/04.