Psydrax dicoccos – Ceylon Boxwood

Other notes

Other Name CombinationsCanthium dicoccum (WFO, 2023).


Natural History: Native Evergreen Tree.

A small evergreen tree found in the dry evergreen to deciduous forests of tropical Asia. Leaves are elliptical and leathery. The flowers are small, white and fragrant, appearing in axillary clusters on the branches. Fruits are round drupe, turning purple when ripe. Fruits are eaten by local people (Flowers of India, 2023).


Plant-Butterfly Association: During the flowering season, its fragrant flowers attract many butterflies for nectar.


Other Common Name: Malakafe (Flowers of India, 2023).


Vernacular Names: Kannada: Hanage (ಹಣಗೆ), Hetteranike (ಹೆಟ್ಟೇರನಿಕೆ), Hanagigaare (ಹಣಗಿಗಾರೆ), Nalla bilachi (ನಲ್ಲ ಬಿಳಚಿ);  Malayalam: Nanyul (നന്യുല്);  Marathi: Tupa (तुपा), Arsul (अरसुल);  Tamil: Nanjul (நந்ஜுல்), Nallamandharam (நல்லமந்ரம்),  Telugu: Nalla balasu, Balasu naikinna (Flowers of India, 2023).



Flowers of India (2023): Ceylon Boxwood. Accessed on: 08 Jul 2023. [URL]

WFO (2023): Psydrax dicoccos Gaertn. Accessed on: 08 Jul 2023. [URL]

Page citation

Sharan, V., and N. Kawthankar. 2024. Psydrax dicoccos Gaertn. – Ceylon Boxwood. In Kunte, K., S. Sondhi, and P. Roy (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 4.12. Published by the Indian Foundation for Butterflies. URL:, accessed 2024/07/07.